
FemiClinic brings together established surgeons who apply a full range of surgical skills in emergency, laparoscopic and general surgery. Our highly skilled surgeons have extensive clinical experience and perform the full range of outpatient consultations, procedures, manipulations and surgeries with the latest generation equipment and supplies. FemiClinic has a state-of-the-art operating room for minor surgical interventions and a comfortable day hospital. Here you can consult for the full range of laparoscopic, robotic and open surgical interventions.


Surgical services and price list

Surgical examination by Assoc. Konstantin Kostov

100 BGN

Primary surgical examination by Dr. Radoslav Todorov

70 BGN

Primary surgical examination in a foreign language

100 BGN

Surgical examination with ultrasonography/of minor glands, superficial glands or abdominal organs

110 BGN

Secondary surgical examination

40 BGN

Ultrasonography of the small pelvis

60 BGN

Ultrasonography of the pelvis - kidneys, bladder and prostate gland

60 BGN

Ultrasonography of the mammary glands

60 BGN

Ultrasonography of surface structures and soft tissues

60 BGN

Ultrasonography of abdominal organs

60 BGN

Ultrasonography of superficial structures - testicles, penis

50 BGN

Prostate ultrasonography

45 BGN

Neck ultrasound - lymph nodes and salivary glands

50 BGN

Thyroid ultrasonography

50 BGN

Large bandage

30 BGN

Small bandage

25 BGN

Microbiological examination of secretion

40 BGN

Primary treatment of a large wound

70 BGN

Primary treatment of a small wound

40 BGN

Secondary treatment of a large wound

40 BGN

Secondary treatment of a small wound

30 BGN

Removal of threads

25 BGN

Removal of metal brackets

30 BGN

Surgical treatment of wounds, infections, burns, removal of surgical sutures from the head and neck

25 BGN

Rectal extinguishing

30 BGN

Sterile bandage

20 BGN

Dressing of a septic wound

35 BGN

Primary surgical treatment and suturing of a large wound

90 BGN

Primary surgical treatment of a small wound

60 BGN

Surgical treatment of an inflamed postoperative wound

80 BGN

Surgical treatment and necrectomy of decubital wound

80 BGN

Surgical treatment of chronic wound (debridement, necrectomy)

110 BGN

Surgical treatment of burn

140 BGN

Taking biopsy material from soft tissue

120 BGN

Surgical removal of tick

70 BGN

Incision of subcutaneous panarrhythmia or paronychia /without the cost of local anaesthesia/

55 BGN

Incision of skin or mucous membrane abscess, excision of furuncle

55 BGN

Incision of subcutaneous panarrhythmia or paronychia /without the cost of local anaesthesia/

55 BGN

Incision of furuncle

35 BGN

Incisions and drainage of palmar or tenar space

80 BGN

Soft tissue incision

90 BGN

Soft tissue incision with drainage

100 BGN

Flushing of wound drainage

40 BGN

Change of wound tamponade or drainage

40 BGN

Placement of NGS

40 BGN

Gastric lavage

60 BGN

Flushing and unclogging of gastrostoma and enterostoma

70 BGN

Treatment of sore anus preter

70 BGN

Catheter insertion or replacement for men or women

40 BGN

Electrocoagulation of condylomas for 1 piece

60 BGN

Electrocoagulation of condylomas up to 5 pieces

120 BGN

Electrocoagulation of condylomas up to 10 pieces

200 BGN

Electrocoagulation of condylomas up to 15 pieces

250 BGN

Electrocoagulation of condylomas over 15 pieces

350 BGN

TRU-CUT biopsy

190 BGN

Biopsy of a mammary gland

150 BGN

Puncture, aspiration under ultrasonographic control of mammary cysts

180 BGN

Incision and drainage of perianal abscess

190 BGN

Operative removal of uncomplicated epidermal cysts, atheromas, lipomas with local anesthesia

300 BGN

Incision of abscesses, phlegmon and soft tissue infections (with local anaesthesia)

230 BGN

Removal of skin lesions/tumors by excision

230 BGN

Removal of inflamed sweat glands

300 BGN

Surgical removal of external hemorrhoids

290 BGN

Surgical removal of anal fissures

180 BGN

Anal dilation with local anaesthesia

60 BGN

Extraction of the nail

150 BGN

Foreign body removal from soft tissues with excision

140 BGN

Puncture of superficial cysts, abscesses, hematomas under ultrasonographic control

120 BGN

Removal of skin and subcutaneous growths for cosmetic purposes up to 1

375 BGN

Correction of cicatrix for cosmetic reasons up to 2 sq. cm.

500 BGN

Correction of cicatrix for cosmetic reasons over 2 sq. cm.

900 BGN

Electrocoagulation and resection of benign skin growths of the male and female genital system without anaesthesia

165 BGN

Breast surgery with local excision and biopsy with local anaesthesia

275 лв.

Excision of pilonidal cyst with local or general anesthesia, 3 control examinations with dressings and suture removal

490 BGN