Microbiological examination of secretion
40 BGN
Primary treatment of a large wound
70 BGN
Primary treatment of a small wound
40 BGN
Secondary treatment of a large wound
40 BGN
Secondary treatment of a small wound
30 BGN
Removal of threads
25 BGN
Removal of metal brackets
30 BGN
Surgical treatment of wounds, infections, burns, removal of surgical sutures from the head and neck
25 BGN
Rectal extinguishing
30 BGN
Dressing of a septic wound
35 BGN
Primary surgical treatment and suturing of a large wound
90 BGN
Primary surgical treatment of a small wound
60 BGN
Surgical treatment of an inflamed postoperative wound
80 BGN
Surgical treatment and necrectomy of decubital wound
80 BGN
Surgical treatment of chronic wound (debridement, necrectomy)
110 BGN
Surgical treatment of burn
140 BGN
Taking biopsy material from soft tissue
120 BGN
Surgical removal of tick
70 BGN
Incision of subcutaneous panarrhythmia or paronychia /without the cost of local anaesthesia/
55 BGN
Incision of skin or mucous membrane abscess, excision of furuncle
55 BGN
Incision of subcutaneous panarrhythmia or paronychia /without the cost of local anaesthesia/
55 BGN
Incision of furuncle
35 BGN
Incisions and drainage of palmar or tenar space
80 BGN
Soft tissue incision
90 BGN
Soft tissue incision with drainage
100 BGN
Flushing of wound drainage
40 BGN
Change of wound tamponade or drainage
40 BGN
Flushing and unclogging of gastrostoma and enterostoma
70 BGN
Treatment of sore anus preter
70 BGN
Catheter insertion or replacement for men or women
40 BGN
Electrocoagulation of condylomas for 1 piece
60 BGN
Electrocoagulation of condylomas up to 5 pieces
120 BGN
Electrocoagulation of condylomas up to 10 pieces
200 BGN
Electrocoagulation of condylomas up to 15 pieces
250 BGN
Electrocoagulation of condylomas over 15 pieces
350 BGN
Biopsy of a mammary gland
150 BGN
Puncture, aspiration under ultrasonographic control of mammary cysts
180 BGN